Create Your Dream Life & Business ~ Greg Dixon

Category: Transformation

Get the Transformation Alchemy Treasure Chest for $11

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Greg “Transformation Alchemist” Dixon
Business Solutions, Courses and Story Productions

Abundance Energy ~ You’re Soaking In It ~ Reverend Anne Tabor

Anne Tabor is the senior minister at Unity of Arlington, Texas. Bonnie and I stayed in the parking lot with the RV for a week.

Anne consistently offers insightful messages and does not shy away from many of the issues challenging America in recent years.

The message this week was refreshingly positive and insightful.

It was exactly the message I needed to hear

And funny, as the talk starts with television commercials and the title is based on the Palmolive Dish Soap ads that feature Madge, the manicurist.

Palmolive Dish Soap Ad 1981

Here are some of the golden insights from Anne’s message.

There is a lie that acts like a virus
within the mind of humanity

“There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of humanity.

And that lie is there’s not enough good to go around.

There’s lack and there’s limitation and there’s just not enough.

But the truth is, there is more than enough good to go around.

There are more than enough creative ideas.

There’s more than enough power.

There’s more than enough love.

There’s more than enough joy.

All of this begins to come through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature.

There is enough for everyone.

If you believe it.

If you can see it, you can act from it.

And when you act from it, it will show up.

— Michael Bernard Beckwith
Agape International Spiritual Center 

The Three Step Process Thet Jesus Taught

This is why our master teacher and our way shower Jesus offered us counsel in the Gospel of Matthew. He said,

  1. Ask, and it will be given to you.
  2. Seek and you will find.
  3. Knock, and the door shall be opened for you.

Jesus Christ
Gospel of Matthew

So please notice that in this very simple three-step process that Jesus is giving us, you know, it’s not all like loosey-goosey.

There are no ifs, and, or buts about it.

He’s very, very clear.

Step one, ask and it will be given to you.

But you got to ask. Right.

Step two, seek and you will find.

But you got to seek.

And step three, knock on the door. And it will be opened.

It doesn’t say, maybe.

Does it say maybe the door will be open for you?

Now, if the door doesn’t open, it’s not your door.

Electrical and Spiritual Energy

… the electrical device needs the electrical energy to flow through it and to function.

And so it is with God, you know, God by whatever name, you know God. Right.

It might be Holy Spirit, infinite and loving creator. 

It might be great universal spirit. It might be source, source, energy.

All that is.

There are many names for God.

Love is a name for God.

But God energy doesn’t depend on you.

You depend on God energy and you have to connect with it and allow it to flow through you and from you. 

So, you know, if you have one of these devices, unless there’s power flowing from it, it could be right in front of you.

But it’s not going to come to life until that energy is connected and activated.

So here’s how Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore wrote about this in his book Prosperity. He said,

‘Some people have some people, right?

Some people are like fish in the sea saying, where’s the water? 

And in the presence of spiritual abundance, they ask questions like:

Where will I get the money?

How will I pay the bills?

Will we have food or clothes or the necessities?

Plenty is here all around us. It lives in us and supplies us with all things according to our thoughts.

And when you have opened the eyes of spirit in yourself, you’ll see it. 

So Mr. Fillmore is just reminding us here that instead of asking, where’s the water, we need to realize that we’re like fish literally swimming in it.

All the time.

You’re soaking in it all the time. 

Think about it this way you can fish of the sea ever lack water in you know and likewise you who you know live move and have your being in the sea of God and the ocean of God.

You can never really lack for ideas or creativity or even infinite possibilities, right? 

It can only happen if you don’t mind your mind.

That can only happen if you don’t train your brain.

And it can only happen if you convince yourself otherwise.


And so one of the best ways for you to manage your energy, if you’re ever feeling conflicted, is to simply test the waters by asking yourself,

Does this feel like I’m going upstream?

You know, like in my fighting the current, you know, am I having to work really hard at this?

Am I going against the current, the energy, or does it feel like I’m going down straight, you know, going with the current with ease and grace?

Because here’s the thing. 

Sometimes we just need to turn our boat around. Right.

You know, sometimes we realize that it’s just too much struggle.

That’s a sign.

That’s a sign.

It’s a big neon flashing sign to just turn your boat around. It’s a good old-fashioned change. You know, change.

Change your course. Right?

Serena Williams Accomplishments
and New Adventures

Serena Williams announced that she is leaving tennis to focus on other things, including motherhood.

Anne Tabor describes the phenomenal results that Serena accomplished, especially her Twenty-three Grand Slam Titles, and what Serena and Venus accomplished in doubles.

The changed the course of tennis.

Now Serena is changing the course of her life.

Infinite Wisdom Guides Me,
Divine Love Prospers Me

One last thing I want to share with you.

One of my favorite affirmations from Charles Fillmore.

And this is my go-to when I need a little help. Right.

Activating this is one of my favorite go-tos because it helps me remember that I’m soaking in it all the time.

Let’s just say that together.

I’m soaking in it all the time.

So take, take, take this. And I’m going to I’m going to read this a couple of times. 

Infinite wisdom guides me, divine love prospers me.
And I am successful in everything I undertake. 

Infinite wisdom guides me, divine love prospers me.
And I am successful in everything I undertake. 

Infinite wisdom guides me, divine love prospers me.
And I am successful in everything I undertake. 

And so it is.

So ends our message for today.

Thank you. 

Anne Tabor
Unity of Arlington

Guided Chakra Meditation ~ Transform Your Vibrations

Almost every successful person in business and life will tell you that meditation is an important part of their daily rituals.

Like many spiritual traditions, the Chakra system can be understood on many levels from symbolic, to psychological, to the energetic, to the spiritual.

The usual representation of the Chakras is with Seven Chakras in your body, each associated with a color and a set of attributes that represent your experience of the world.

The goal is to light up and balance your life.

Similar to ‘Where the Yi goes, the Chi flows.

For deep practitioners over thousands of years, there is much more to it.

I recently learned that there were more chakras than the seven.

Today I came across a 37-minute Chakra meditation by Natasha Tome that links the chakras to Archangels to bring you “confidence, hope, wisdom and love.”

Most Chakra meditations start at the base and works up through the Chakras. This one starts at the top and works down, ending with a nice integration.

Please relax and follow the visualizations at whatever level is comfortable for you.

Business Transformation Alchemy

Business transformation Alchemy

I have worked with a wide range of entrepreneurs and small businesses to help make their dreams a reality.

My business journey has provided an incredibly diverse set of services over the last forty years.

I know a lot ~ done a lot.

I am offering a package that makes all of that possible through what I offer and what some of my joint venture partners offer.

Your Business Alchemy Roadmap

The first step of the journey with you is to create a Business Alchemy Roadmap that provides transformation clarity.

  • What do you want to achieve?
  • Why do you want that?
  • Where has your journey been so far?
  • What has worked?
  • Have some strategies not worked well?
  • What strategy do you want to try?

Together we create a Business Transformation Alchemy Roadmap to serve as a kind of business plan to help shape the work we do together.

Transformation Alchemy Formula Practice

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts with a Single Step

Lao Tsu

The secret sauce in personal growth and business progress is in a process much like continuous improvement.

Here it is in a nutshell:

  • Contemplate where you are are on your journey.
  • Determine the next best steps to move you forward.
  • Take action on that step.

Individually I encourage you to do that daily. Perhaps meditate and choose an action step in the morning or evening. Or both morning and evening.

Part of the process of working with me and my team will be to go through the practice together once a week with the Business Transformation Roadmap in mind:

  • Where are we at on the journey?
  • What are the next best steps for the coming week?
  • Do we need to adjust the roadmap.

Comprehensive Alchemy Toolkit

Working with my team involves choosing some or all of the following tools and services.

  • Coaching and Training
    I can help you learn and practice the steps you want to do yourself.
  • Analysis and Design
    Let’s plan the best solution for you.
  • Implementation
    I use the amazing all-in-one Kartra business platform, WordPress, and a wide range of video, audio, and presentation tools to create your success.
  • Online Courses and Memberships
    I create courses and help clients create and market courses to leverage their insights and impact the lives and businesses of many people.
  • Copywriting and Digital Marketing
    At the heart of success lies the use of words and images to get your message and services known to the world. This includes Zen Master moves like Search Engine Optimization and influence marketing.

Comprehensive “Do Stuff” Plan

The retainer with me comes down to determining how I can help you on your journey and what the best steps are for your goals.

All approaches provided by me or others will be considered and the best ones will go into your Business Transformation Alchemy Roadmap.

Then we take action to manifest the success of your vision.

Your Daily Transformation Practice

Transformation Practice

Here is a simple daily practice that can help you make progress towards your success every day.

Write down the transformation that you want for yourself

What is the most important thing to accomplish now?

Write down the transformation that you want for others

This is important if you are helping others through coaching and services.

Is it the same transformation that you want for yourself?

The most powerful alchemy will happen when what you want for yourself is also what you create for others.

Write down what you can do now to create the transformation

What step can you take now?

Take Action

Start that step now or schedule when you can take action.

Repeat Daily

Great things and miracles can happen when you take consistent action forward every day.

Even small steps can add up to a fabulous journey of transformation.

Want a partner on your journey?

I am available to work with you to clarify the steps and take action.

Let’s talk about your path to success.