i was introduced to Abraham Hicks a few years ago and it took binge-watching dozens of short videos to finally get it.

I have come to think that Abraham Hicks provides the best understanding of our mission as a spiritual being having a human experience (as Deepak Chopra would say).

It is also the most practical guide to living that transcends all human-induced notions and dogma.

The main idea is that we are the creators of our life and the key is to have joy in the here and now while having desires for a better future.

Things we want on our journey Abraham Hicks calls Rockets of Desire are put into our ‘vortex’.

The more we align with those desires, the more source delivers (manifests) them in our physical experience.

We live on the leading edge of alignment and contrast, which makes life dynamic and juicy.

Ester Hicks is connected with a source she calls Abraham. Sometimes Abraham talks about some of the challenges Ester has in ways that can be quite funny and also serve as stories to connect to daily living experiences.

This first video I’ve selected explains Abraham Hicks‘ five steps. The rest cover different topics around the main ideas and practices.

Each was extracted from a live presentation with an animation created later. The background scenes are gorgeous and can be funny too.

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Abundance is Our Flow State If We Don’t Block It
Overcoming Resistance to the Big Things

More Coming Soon

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