Almost every successful person in business and life will tell you that meditation is an important part of their daily rituals.

Like many spiritual traditions, the Chakra system can be understood on many levels from symbolic, to psychological, to the energetic, to the spiritual.

The usual representation of the Chakras is with Seven Chakras in your body, each associated with a color and a set of attributes that represent your experience of the world.

The goal is to light up and balance your life.

Similar to ‘Where the Yi goes, the Chi flows.

For deep practitioners over thousands of years, there is much more to it.

I recently learned that there were more chakras than the seven.

Today I came across a 37-minute Chakra meditation by Natasha Tome that links the chakras to Archangels to bring you “confidence, hope, wisdom and love.”

Most Chakra meditations start at the base and works up through the Chakras. This one starts at the top and works down, ending with a nice integration.

Please relax and follow the visualizations at whatever level is comfortable for you.